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Site Rules

No offensive



Please avoid copyrighted materials/give credit to the owners of the images


No spamming or advertising


Admin decisions are final


Please be nice

  • How do I become a member?
    It is simple, click on the log in/sign up button on the upper right of every page and follow the instructions.
  • Are there any fees?
    No!!! This is a free website. We do not charge any fees for membership.
  • I would like to add images to the image archive by chassis number. How is that done?
    Our goal is to document each car by chassis number with atleast one image. With an activited and engaged commnity we hope to complete this goal one day. If you have images you would like to add to the archive please contact the website administrator through the contact page. Important information to include: chassis number, photographer (if known), copyright information (if any), where the images are from (personal, friend, website, auction book, etc).
  • I have great reference materials that I wish to share with the site and the community. How do I share them?
    If you have any references/materials you wish to share please contact the website administrator by using the contact section. Any image submitted for their inclusion on the site should be formatted as: JPEG, PNG, or GIF. Other information submitted should be formatted as: PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PPSX, XLS, XLSX, ODP, ODT, or EPUB.
  • How do I participate in the forum?
    Only members can write comments or create new threads in the forum.
  • I would like to submit an article or story i have written for the articles section. How do I do that?
    Please contact the website administrator via the contact section.
  • What if there is offensive language in the forum/someone is offensive towards me?
    We have worked hard to prevent the use of offensive language in the forum, but it is the community's responsibility to refrain from using offensive language. Please contact the website administration for any concerns of inappropriate material. If you MUST demean, belittle, offend, disgrace, humiliate, shame, hurt, mock, ridicule, or vilify another member or members, this is not the appropriate setting. If you disrespect other members you will be asked to "clean up your act" one time. If the actions are repeated, offenders will have their membership revoked.
  • Can I sell or buy things here? How does it work?
    We have created a "parts wanted or for sale" section which is located in the forum. We are not a store and we do not charge any fee for you to list/buy any item. We suggest that any listing is clearly written with accurate photos included (if applicable). In addition, we suggest including a phone number or email in the listing so that others can contact you to ask questions or arrange for purchace. Any items purchaced or sold by listing here on the website forum are solely the responsibility of the members selling or buying. Please refer to terms of use section for all details.
  • Why is the website format strange on my device?
    We have designed the site to work on desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices through a website service. Each device (particularly tablets) seems to have slight differences in format and performance. In testing we have found that older devices, particularly with outdated operating systems or search engines are slow in loading pages or at times display loading error messages. We suggest updating to the most current operating systems and search engines available for your device. If this does not improve the functionality we suggest trying either a mobile device or desktop/laptop computer.
  • How often is this website updated?
    This site is a passion and a hobby. We try to update is as frequently as possible, but please understand that we also work, travel, sleep, eat, and get sick like the rest of you. We strive to keep the website current to the best of our ability.
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